The Application Process

The application process consists of 7 steps:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Providing your Personal Details
  3. Creating an Application
  4. Uploading PDF copies of the Required Documentation
  5. Reviewing your Application
  6. Submitting your Application
  7. Application Confirmation

The system should guide you through these steps. You do not have to complete all the steps in a single session. The details you provide as you build an application will be saved as you move from page to page so that you can come back to them at a later date. Once you have submitted your application you will not be able to make any further changes.

Getting Started

In order to use the Adelaide University's Graduate Research Domestic Application system, you must have an active account. This is achieved by registering your email address and assigning a password. Once you have an active account, you can use your registered email address and password to login.

How to create your account

  1. From the login page, click the Register as New Applicant button
  2. The Sign up page opens
  3. Enter your First name, Last name, Email address (this will become your Username for the system), and specify a Password. The Password requirements are:
    • At least 14 characters
    • A lowercase letter
    • An uppercase letter
    • A number
    • A symbol
    • No parts of your username (email address)
    • Does not include your first name
    • Does not include your last name
  4. Click Sign Up
  5. You will receive an email entitled Welcome to ORBIT – Domestic GR Applications
  6. You can either click the Verify your email button in this email, or enter the verification code displayed in your browser page to complete your account set up
  7. Once you have verified your account, you will be logged into the system and directed to the Personal Profile page
  8. If you require assistance with creating your account, please contact us via the Enquire Form

Providing your Personal Details

The first time that you login to the system you will be taken to the Personal Profile section so that you can enter the personal details that need to accompany your application.

The sections below give detailed instructions on how to create and update your person profile.

Creating your Person Profile

  1. Answer all questions in the Personal Details section
  2. Enter your Home Address in the Contact Details section
  3. Indicate whether your Mailing Address is the same as your Home Address
  4. Enter your Mailing Address as appropriate
  5. Enter your contact Phone Numbers as appropriate. At least one phone number must be provided
  6. Select the radio button that reflects your citizenship status in the Citizenship Details section
  7. Provide the additional information that is required in relation to your citizenship status
  8. Click the Save Profile button to save the changes
  9. Correct any errors as appropriate and Click the Save Profile button again
  10. You will be returned to the Your Applications page when there are no validation errors with the Person Profile information you have provided

Updating your Person Profile

  1. On the Application Centre page click Applicant Profile
  2. You will be taken to Personal Profile page
  3. Enter the changes that you wish to make to your Personal Profile
  4. Click the Save Profile button to save the changes
  5. Correct any errors as appropriate and click the Save Profile button again
  6. You will be returned to the Application Centre page when there are no validation errors with the Personal Profile information you have provided

Creating an Application

The system will guide you through the pages that you need to complete to create your application.

The Progress Monitor

The Progress Monitor gives you a visual indication of the completeness of your application. It is activated once you have selected an Application Type because the type of application you wish to lodge determines the pages that you need to complete. Each page that you need to complete is represented by an active link in the list. As you complete each page the link is marked with a green tick. You can use these links to move between the different pages of your application. However, if you make any changes to the data on a page you must use the Next button to ensure it is validated and saved.

Selecting an Application Type

This page contains 3 possible options from which you must select:

  • Admission Only
  • Admission and Scholarship
  • Scholarship Only

However, you may find that the Scholarship Only option is inactive. This is because to be eligible to apply for a scholarship without applying for admission, you must already be a Graduate Researcher with Adelaide University. The Scholarship Only option will be made inactive if the system cannot retrieve an active Graduate Researcher record for the Student ID you quoted in your Person Profile.

If you consider the Scholarship Only option should be active, you should check your quoted Student ID to ensure it is correct. If you consider there is still an anomaly after confirming your Student ID, you should contact the Adelaide University Graduate Research School.

To complete the Application Type page:

  • Select the option that represents the type of application you wish to lodge
  • Click Next
  • You will be directed to the next page that you need to complete

Completing Admission Specific pages

You will need to complete the admission specific pages if you have selected an Application Type of Admission and Scholarship or Admission Only.

Study Preferences page

A study preference identifies the type of award you wish to undertake and the academic area in which you wish to study.

You will no doubt have made enquiries already to confirm your study preferences, but you are encouraged to use How to Apply to assist you in choosing the correct award and study area.

As you record your study preferences the system will guide you through the process by using earlier selections to refine the next selection that you have to make.

In order to record a Study Preference click on 'Add a Study Preference' link:

  • Select a Study Type (For example, Doctor of Philosophy or Masters by Research). Click Next
  • Select from a list of awards offered by Adelaide University that match your selected Study Type. Click Next
  • Please Note: the system will identify the College in which your selected award is offered
  • Select the School within the identified College in which you wish to study. Click Next
  • Select the Research Area in which you wish to study if any exist for your selected School. Click Next
  • If you are applying for a Project Based Research Degree, please select the Study Type, Award and School specified in the advertisement for this project.

When you have finished these tasks you will be returned to the Study Preferences page where your selections will be displayed. You must enter at least 1 preference but may record up to 3 preferences.

To enter another preference click on 'Add a Study Preference' and complete the process as described above. To Edit or Delete Preferences use the links on the right hand side of the screen.

To complete the Study Preferences page:

  • Once you have completed and reviewed your study preferences, click Next
  • You will be taken to a supplementary page concerning Study Conditions
  • Nominate your Proposed Study Load by selecting either Full Time or Half Time
  • Nominate your proposed Attendance Mode by selecting either Internal or Remote
  • Please Note, if you select Remote you will be required to complete an Application for Remote Candidature
  • Identify your proposed start date
  • Click Next
  • You will be directed to the next page that you need to complete

Completing Scholarship Specific pages

You will need to complete the Scholarship specific pages if you have selected an Application Type of Admission and Scholarship or Scholarship only . There are 3 Scholarship specific pages that you will need to complete. The sections below give detailed instruction for completing each of these pages.

Scholarship Selection pages

The Scholarship Selection page will provide a list of all the Graduate Research Scholarships that are currently being offered at Adelaide University. You need to record that you wish to be considered for a scholarship by checking the box alongside the scholarship title. Where a More information link exists next to the Scholarship Title, you can use this to get detailed information about the scholarship.

To complete the Scholarship Selection page:

  • Indicate all the scholarships for which you wish to be considered by checking the box alongside the title
  • Review your selections for completeness and click Next
  • Click the Next button
  • You will be forwarded to the next page that you need to complete

Scholarship History page

The Scholarship History page enables you to provide details of any Australian Graduate Research scholarships you are either currently receiving or have received in the past.

To complete the Scholarship History page:

  • Select the option that represents your situation
  • If you selected Yes, use the Add a Scholarship button to enter the details of your scholarships
  • If you selected No or have entered the details of all your scholarships click Next
  • You will be returned to next page that you need to complete

Scholarship Market Research page

Adelaide University seeks information from all Scholarship applicants as to how they became aware that scholarships were available. This information is used to inform future promotion plans.

To complete the Scholarship Market Research page:

  • Select all the options that represent how you became aware that Adelaide University scholarships were available
  • Review your selections for completeness and click Next
  • You will be returned to next page that you need to complete

English Proficiency page

To complete the English Proficiency page:

  • Select the radio button that represents how you meet Adelaide University's English language proficiency requirements
  • Click Next
  • You will be directed to the next page that you need to complete

Qualifications page

The Qualifications page enables you to provide details of all your undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in support of your application.

To record a qualification click the Add a Qualification link

You will be taken to the Add a Qualification page where you can enter the details of your qualification

Please Note: the Award and Awarding Institution select boxes on this page contain a lot of entries. You can refine the list by entering search characters. For example, if you are looking for an Honours award you can enter hon to constrain the list to all awards that contain the letters hon in their title.

To complete the Add a Qualification page:

  • Nominate the Award Level of your qualification by clicking the relevant radio button for Undergraduate or Postgraduate
  • Enter the award name in the text box provided
  • Nominate the Level of Honours by either selecting from the list provided or using the text box area activated by selecting the Other radio button
  • Nominate the Awarding Institution by either selecting from the list provided or using the text box areas activated by selecting the Other radio button
  • Nominate the Status of your qualification by providing the Date Commenced, Date Last Enrolled and whether it is Completed, Incomplete - Inactive, or Incomplete - In Progress.
  • Click Save
  • You will be returned to the Qualifications page where the details of the qualification you have added will be displayed. To Edit or Delete a Qualification use the links on the right hand side of the screen

To complete the Qualifications page:

  • Review your qualifications for completeness and click Next
  • You will be directed to the next page that you need to complete

Research Experience page

The Research Experience page enables you to provide details of all your research experience that you wish to be considered in support of your application.

To complete the Research Experience page:

  • Enter your ORCiD. If you do not already have one, please click on the link provided on this page to register for one
  • Select the radio button that represents your situation concerning previous research experience
  • If you selected Yes, enter the details of your research experience in the space provided and click Next
  • Select the option that represents your situation concerning research positions
  • If you selected Yes, use the Add Research Position link to enter the details of the positions you have held. Click Save. To Edit or Delete Research Positions use the links on the right hand side of the screen
  • Select the option that represents your situation concerning published research
  • If you selected Yes, use the Add a Publication link to enter the details of your research publications. Click Save. To Edit or Delete Research Positions use the links on the right hand side of the screen
  • Review your entries and click Next
  • You will be directed to the next page that you need to complete

Research Interests page

The Research Interests page enables you to provide details of your research interests that you wish to be considered in support of your application.

To complete the Research Interests page:

  • Enter the details of your research interests in the space provided
  • Enter the name of your proposed Supervisor in the space provided
  • Review your entries and click Next
  • You will be returned to next page that you need to complete

Previous Enrolment and/or Transfer Credit

To complete the Previous Enrolment and/or Transfer Credit page:

  • Select the radio button that represents your situation for each of the questions
  • Please Note, if you select Yes for any of the questions you will need to complete and upload a copy of the AUGRS Credit Application
  • Review your entries and click Next
  • You will be directed to the next page that you need to complete

Academic Referees page

You will need to enter the details of 2 academic referees who may be contacted in relation to your application.

To complete the Academic Referees page:

  • Enter the details of your first referee in the spaces provided
  • Enter the details of your second referee in the spaces provided
  • Review your entries and click Next
  • You will be directed to the next page that you need to complete

Completing an Application

Document Upload page

The Document Upload page will not be accessible until you have completed all the other pages of your application. This is because it uses the information you have entered in your application to determine the documents that you need to upload. When the page is active it will contain a list of the core documents that you need to upload. As you upload these documents you will be asked further questions to ensure that the supporting documentation for your application is complete.

For example, for a number of documents you will be asked if your application is in a different name to that on a piece of supporting documentation. If you answer 'Yes' to this question you will be required to upload a document that provides proof of your name change. A new document will be listed as REQUIRED when you return to the Document Upload page.

Similarly, when you are uploading an official academic transcript you will be asked whether it contains an explanation of the grading scheme used. If you answer 'No' to this question you will be required to upload a separate document containing an explanation of the grading scheme. The new document will be listed as REQUIRED when you return to the Document Upload page.

The other documents that can be added to your original core list of documents to upload include:

  • Official Translations where original documents are not in English
  • Degree Certificates where your official academic transcript does not specify the date a degree was conferred
  • Proof of Arrival in Australia where you are a Permanent Resident and your visa does not show the date of your first arrival in Australia

The system will lead you through the process of confirming all the supporting documentation that you need to upload. The Document Upload page will always provide the complete list of the documents you are REQUIRED to upload.

All the documents you have to upload will need to be in PDF format. This will primarily involve getting scanned copies of your original documents.

Please Note, academic transcripts for qualifications awarded by Adelaide University, University of South Australia or the University of Adelaide do not have to be uploaded.

To complete the Document Upload page:

  • Upload all the mandatory documents that are listed on the page by clicking on the 'upload document' button. Browse to locate your document and answer subsequent questions by clicking the radio button. Click Save. If you want to revise your documents use the remove or upload document buttons
  • Please Note, this includes any documents that might have been added to the core list by virtue of answers given to questions when uploading the core list documents
  • Review your entries and click Next
  • You will be returned to the Application Review page

Application Review page

The Application Review page provides details of the all the information that you have entered for your application in a single list. You can return to the original pages where you entered the information by using the Edit link for each section. Please remember that if you change any data on these pages you must use the Next button to validate and save your changes.

To complete the Application Review page:

  • Carefully review all the information recorded for completeness and accuracy
  • Check the box to indicate that you have completed your review
  • Click Next
  • You will be directed to the Declaration Page

Submitting an Application

You will only be able to submit an application once you have completed the Declaration page

Declaration page

The Declaration page contains a number of clauses that are applicable to your application. You should read them carefully before checking the 'I Agree' box.

By checking the 'I Agree' box you are acknowledging that you have read all the clauses on the page and that you will be bound by them in relation your application.

Submit Application

The Submit button will become active once you have checked the 'I Agree' box. Click the Submit button to formally register your application with Adelaide University.

Once you have submitted an application

You will be sent a confirmation email that will advise you of the registration number of your application. You will need to quote this number in any correspondence with the Adelaide University Graduate Research School concerning your application.